Friday, April 25, 2008

one remaining memory

For some reason I can only remember that race. I was in sixth grade and we had a track meet. I was in the one lap relay against 12 other girls. I was so nervous that the veins in my legs turned purple. I was place in the second group and the very last person. The gun fired and it startled me so I started off in bad position. Everyone except Jordan and I where way ahead in the race. I keep telling myself over and over again what my father told me about when I get around the cover to take off sprinting. Also, I repeated what I wanted to accomplish: Win the race and to make someone so proud of me. The cover was come up all I had to do was kick it in gear. As I was sprinting it felt as though I had no legs and that I was going to trip and fall. I keep going faster and faster. Passing opponent after opponent. I didn’t win the race but, I did come in fifth out of twelve. Even though I didn’t win the race I felt as though I did and everyone was really proud of me. I guess I only remember this because it was a moment in my life where I felt like nothing someone could say or do could bring me down.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

what brings me joy and how do i give joy

Joy is the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying. I ask myself what brings me joy and how do i give joy to others. What brings me joy? I'd say when people that you don't even know give you this big smile and watching my siter Amiee play basketball. Also, I have recently realized I joy reading. How do I bring joy to others? Whenever I tell the most corny jokes that make no sense what so ever and when I dance like no one is watching.
Have you ever gone to the store and walked by some complete stranger and they give you a huge smile? Whenever I'm down in the dumpes and someone does that it just makes my day. People may not realize that just one smile to a complete stranger could possible make their day.
Whenever I go to the Lady Cat basketball games, I enjoy watching my sister play because to me when I watch her play I can just see how much she loves the game and how much heart she puts into it. Recently I have been reading the Harry Potter series and I just do not want to put the book down. Usually I don't want to pick a book up, but now that I have found I book I enjoy I can't stop reading.
Two pigs are in a bath tub one say can you pass me the bar of soap the other says what do I look like a radio. I'm all the time telling people the most corny jokes like the one above. some times they just make no sense and you just laugh at the person trying to figure it out. When I'm at my grandmothers and I have my Ipod I turn up the volume dance and sing loud and crazy. My grandma says thats when I put on my "dancing shoes."

Thursday, January 17, 2008


In life people value different things. I personal value my life, happiness, and advice. I value my life because at birth my mom and I almost died. I was a butt first baby and I was hung up. I value my life because I have never tried to take my on life before and I have good health. I show my value for life by trying to leave it to the fullest everyday. I try to complete things that I'm scared to do like rock climb.I have rock climb before but I didn't complete it and I still regret it to this day. I don't do things to put my life at risk. I love life because it brings me much happiness.

Happiness is awesome! I feel bad for all those people who never shows a sign of happiness. What do we have to look forward to if we didn't have happiness? My friends always keep me happy that's why I love them to death.I value happiness because it's the one thing that no one can ever take away from me.

In my opinion the most important thing a person can give you is advice. not the kind of advice that gets you into trouble but, the kind of advice that helps you through life.the way I value advice is I give and take it. I hope that when I give people advice it's good advice. When people give me advice I think it through before I put it into action.

Out of all of this values I think the most important one is life. Life in my opinion is the most important one because without it we wouldn't have advice or happiness.I have more things I value but, I want lie when I say I don't treat them like I value them.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


It's running after me
I tell myself just keep breathing
It's getting faster and I'm getting weaker
I'm running out of time
It's calling to me"It's time"
I don't answer
I waited to long ...

Death can come at any time so go out and live. Most people are scared of death.
Funerals are very hard for me to go to. When I die I don't want people to cry because I'm not there with them. I want them to remember the good times we shared and be happy for the times that we did share. Some funerals play music. "Holy Ground" was played at my great grandfathers funeral. What I don't understand is why people were black to funerals. Black is just a depressing to me. Black also, is a color of death. Some people choose to be buried and some to be cremated. I personal would like to buried in the ground. I guess I am pretty lucky because I have only been to one funeral. I was only about six years old so I didn't really understand.I hate death when it is someone killing themselves. I have had one or two people in my family to kill themselves. Atleast I didn't know them. I also hate death when it is murder. I just don't understand how someeone can hate you so much that they feel the need to take you off the face of the earth.

...Death found me at my weakest point.